John Gagliardi in a recent article "Idols Are Not Yesterday" defines idolatary as: "If you wake up in the middle of the night, ..... and all you can think about is your business or your job; if you wake up in the morning and that is all that fills your thoughts, then you are dangerously close to having an idol in your heart. Because when you wake up in the night, and when you awaken in the morning, God should fill your heart and your mind, with an overwhelming sense of total trust in Him."
Chris Shipley speaks out on "Spiritual Idols and Addictions" in this unique manner: "Idolatry is not a practice isolated to ancient cultures but is also prevalent in our culture. But we see its manifestation through addictions."
"Careers and occupations are admirable goals but they too can become elevated to the point where one eats, drinks, and breathes the job.
Similarly, as a student, grades can become everything, all is sacrificed for study, and the rest of one's life is left in shambles.
Likewise, relationships are a common substitute for God. We put friends, mentors, partners, spouses, or even children on pedestals they were never meant to be on. It doesn't even have to be a human being.
To read John Gagliardi's article "Idols Are Not Yesterday" -
To read Chris Shipley's article on "Spiritual Idols and Addictions" -
Christmas and the Origin of Hanukkah
3 months ago
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