Many believers themselves are unaware of their status or position with regard to Christ Jesus and often this results in many misconceptions, heartaches, and dejections. The following references describe a believer's position at all times.
1 Cor 1.30 – I am in Christ
Col 2.10 – I am complete in Christ
Luke 10.19 - I am safe in Christ & no evil can harm me
The following 6 points will make you bold Christains
A. I have an identity card from Almighty God - Jn 1.12; 1 Jn 5.18
The very moment we receive Jesus Christ as our savior we receive an identity card. It says “This is my daughter/son” : so no evil can touch me. It is signed by God and His seal is upon it.
B. I have a bullet proof jacket – Gal 3.27 " who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ."
When I am born again I receive an identity card, but,
When I am water baptized I get a bullet proof jacket that protects me from the fiery darts of the evil one.
C. I have a power jacket – Luke 24. 49
When we receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit we are promised that we will be clothed with power. During water baptism we are clothed with Christ, but, the Holy Spirit baptism ensures that we are clothed with the Third Person of the Trinity too - the Holy Spirit.
This jacket not only protects me but ensures that Power will come out of me to chase away every demonic power.
Act 10.38 Jesus had this power jacket. It was the power that came out of Jesus that delivered the sick and demon possessed.
Acts 1.8 speaks of power that will come upon us – This power is for ministry unto others.
D. I have body guards – Hebrews 1.14
This verse in Hebrews speaks of ministering angels that are sent to minister the children of God. Every child of God is accompanied by these ministring angels that shield us from harm and clear the paths before us.
E. I have a full cover insurance - Matthew 30.31
Every hair on my head is numbered. God does not know just the total number of hairs on my head but every hair is individually called by a number. The bible assures us that we are of great value and we are insured completely- top to bottom, inside out. God's hands are above me, in front of me, behind me, on my sides and I am carried in the very hands of God.
No one and nothing can snatch me away from this Almighty God.
F. I have the full armor of God - Ephesians 6.11-18
The full armor of God ensures that I am always in readiness to wage war against the powers of spiritual darkness.
So now we know that we are indeed safe in Christ. God has provided all that we need to be kept safe till the end of the ages. So let peace rule over your heart and be not troubled.
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