Came across an amazing teaching by Bill Btight about God's forgiveness and what it means. Sure we all know intellectually but do we really experience the extent of God's forgiveness in our lives on a daily basis? If we did wont we be a lot more like the first century believers?
Below is a extract from the article How You Can Experience God’s Love and Forgiveness - Part 1 by Bill bright
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God’s holy Word tells us that Jesus Christ, through His death on the cross, has set us free - free from sin, free from the Law, free from the of guilt that sin and the Law bring.
Maybe you are finding it difficult to believe in your heart that your sin has been paid for. Perhaps you are thinking, “I have lustful thoughts toward another person.” Or, “I’ve been taking the Lord’s name in vain. God won’t forgive that, will He?”
The fact is, He has forgiven you if you have placed your trust in Christ. You simply need to claim His forgiveness and believe His promise. And what a promise it is:
"For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us" (Psalm 103:11,12).
That’s the forgiveness God offers. And think of it! It became yours the moment you believed in Jesus Christ as your Savior and as an act of your will received Him by faith into your life as your Lord and Master.
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Interested in reading more? Just click on the title of this post and enjoy. It will surely bless you.
Just remember, no matter what you have done, no matter what sin you have committed, God will always be ready to forgive you if you will turn from that sin and return to Him. Don't let the devil isolate you from God's Word and God's people, because that is exactly what he is trying to do.
Christmas and the Origin of Hanukkah
3 months ago
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