Atrocities against Indian Christians between
August 24th 2008 & September 28th at a glance
I) Orissa
14 districts affected by violence
200 villages destroyed
4300 houses burned down
50000 people became homeless
57 killed
10 priests, missionaries and nuns wounded
2 women gang raped
18000 men, women, and children wounded
149 church buildings destroyed
13 schools, colleges destroyed
II) Karnataka
4 districts affected
19 churches attacked by extremists
20 women and nuns wounded
III) Kerala
3 churches partially damaged
IV) Madhyapradesh
4 churches partially damaged
V) Delhi
1 church destroyed
VI) Tamil Nadu
1 church destroyed
VII) Uthar Pradesh
2 people killed
I wanted to share this with you my friend for I know you care. And so should all children of God as well as every humanitarian. However, as I was typing this out with a heavy heart the Lord ministered to me through His very Word. In John 12:24 Jesus says: “ I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.”
Persecution has led to great harvests in countries like communist China as well as many Moslem nations. The same Lord of the Harvest Jesus shall bring forth a great harvest of souls in our country India.
I and my country India, we shall serve Jesus.
Christmas and the Origin of Hanukkah
3 months ago
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