Have you observed how two people can hear the same gospel message and react in completely different ways. One person will be profoundly moved, while the other will become even more hardened in his or her sin.
We see this phenomena in the story of Cain and Abel. Both of these men were sons of Adam and Eve; raised in the same home and exposed to the same spiritual message. When we first read of their story in Genesis 4, it seems they were both believers. But time revealed that Cain was a jealous and embittered man that he murdered his brother Abel. The story of Cain and Abel ought to remind us there are those people who look like believers, but have no relationship with God. The Scripture says about such, "there are people who have a form of godliness but deny its power" (2 Timothy 3:5).
Such is the life story of far too many people. They are all show and no go. Their faith in God turns out to be a mere game or act.
Consider this. You can offer like Cain. You can weep like Esau. You can serve like Gehazi. You can be a disciple like Judas. You can recite long prayers like the Pharisees, be a seeking soul like the rich young ruler, and have lamps like the five foolish bridesmaids, and still be lost.
The real issue is not about enjoying the message or whether it moves you. The heart of the issue is whether you believe the message and take a stand for it.
Christmas and the Origin of Hanukkah
3 months ago
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