There are a number of road blocks to overcome before a believer can reach out to a nominal Christian. They may be racial, cultural, religious, political, and traditional. Sin and satan can also keep the two from ever meeting. Jesus faced all of these hindrances in His encounter with the Samaritan woman and yet He did not allow them to keep Him away from reaching out to her and thru her the entire Samaritan village!
- Jesus took the unpopular route to Samaria, timed his arrival there to meet a certain Samaritan woman of ill-repute. (we too must be willing to walk paths that are not often trod to reach out)
- He made sure that they would not be interrupted by His well-intentioned disciples, or by the self-righteous villagers. (be sensible, as well as sensitive to the Holy Spirit)
- He took the first step to breach the gap between them. (overcome your inhibitions for God’s Kingdom sake)
- He offered her something that mattered to her. (water that would quench her thirst forever, thereby enabling her to put a stop to her unpleasant trips to the common village well) (identify and trust God for their individual needs, miracles will confirm your work)
- Jesus offered her better-quality water. [The Samaritans considered the water from the Jacob’s well superior to any other well. Hence the offer of water (living water) that is far superior to water from Jacob’s well was not to be spurned lightly.] (Jesus has the best offer, none can top it, offer it)
- Through His gentle and non-accusing attitude, He convicted this woman of her sins. (She could have said anything and hidden the truth. Instead she confesses that she has no husband. The manner in which she says it makes it evident that she was convicted of her sinful state.) (let your gentleness and love be plain to all)
- Jesus calmly acknowledges her statement and gently pushes further by revealing to her His knowledge of her previous relationships. This helps her recognise His prophetical and messianic status. (operating in the gifts of word of knowledge and wisdom will help you reach your goal faster. fan to full flame/put to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit within you to do your work well)
- The woman’s revelation of Jesus led to the evangelization of the entire Samaritan village. (a fully convinced disciple is unstoppable)
In these end times, our evangelizations should be fashioned in like manner. We must through prayer and the use of the spiritual gifts discern key person’s to target people groups (people groups may also be a big extended family, a community, a city, an office etc.). Target and mentor such individuals to influence a wide audience for the glory of God.
Click here to read John 4.1-42 - Jesus talks to a Samaritan Woman
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