It was the custom in the middle-east for the least man to be given charge of the flocks. The shepherd had responsibility to lead the sheep to new pastures and fresh water, defend them from predators, and find the lost ones when they strayed. However, it was a humble job because it was a dirty job.
The shepherd lived amongst the flock and slept across the doorway of the fold to keep the sheep in and the wolves out. It was filthy, smelly, and thankless work. Yet Jesus willingly declared, "I am the good shepherd" (John 10:11, 14). Let’s not miss the impact of these words.
God humbled Himself and got His hands dirty working directly with errant, willful, and dumb sheep (we humans are often pretty dumb).
The shepherd lies across the doorway of the sheep pen - Jesus became the door for us. He sacrificed His life for us (the flock) so that anyone who chooses to believe in Him may enter God's fold (John 3:16).
Once inside the fold, we are provided for, sought when we wander, and protected from enemies.
Christmas and the Origin of Hanukkah
3 months ago
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