Chosen in His Service
Friday, September 25, 2009
Jesus revealed the Name of God as Father (Jn 17.6, 26). In this Name and all that it stood for, all disciples of Jesus were to find security (Jn 17.11,12). The Holy Spirit continues to reveal the Father to all who would follow Jesus and seek to know the Father.
There is no love like the Love of God as Father that can keep you going. Secure in His fatherly love we get the courage to face the world and all that it can throw at you. However, this is revelation knowledge that must quicken within each individual.
I spent years as a child of God who knew not her Father! I loved Jesus, and depended on the Holy Spirit for everything I could think of. Nevertheless, the Father continued to be a veiled figure. Occasional glimpses tantalized but I continued complacently with my love affair with Jesus. People who loved and spoke of the Father with an intense passion crossed my path far too often to be ignored. Finally one day it penetrated my hard coconut that Jesus and the Holy Spirit were in the business of revealing the Father to the children. Mal 4.6 As the desire to know the Father and His love began to grow within me He began to reveal Himself to me slowly but persistently. And I started to grasp the meaning of the verse that says that God the Father so loved the world (me) that he gave his one and only Son…. so that I may have eternal life(be with Him forever) Jn 3.16
Words are inadequate to describe the manner of Love the Father has for me. He patiently teaches me of the depth and width of His Love. He is gentle as only a Father can be.
Be not content with the love of Jesus and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Go for the full measure. Get to know your Father. Ask and He shall repond. Seek, He desires to be found. Knock and He will open the floodgates of Love upon you, and you will be swept away.
Beloved, the Father beckons you.
Yoke of Grace
In a sense, this is what Jesus is saying: "Why don't we do this . . . why don't we take that heavy yoke of guilt that you're carrying, take it off and put it down over here. Instead, let me put on you my light yoke of grace. Get rid of the guilt and let's replace it with grace. You see how much better this fits; how much more comfortable it is?"
"Take off this yoke of perfectionism, where you're always trying to prove yourself and toss it over to be burned. Put on the yoke of God’s plan for your life; his purpose.When you do that, your confidence will soar. "
No Investment. Cent Percent Profit
Israelites were no strangers to burdens and yokes that weighed them down. Often God came to their rescue when they cried out for relief, but their obstinate ways of turning to other gods brought more trouble upon their neck. So God made a promise through Isaiah of a day that will come when the yoke of burden shall be permanently lifted off their back.
Isaiah 10.27 reads, “..it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. (KJV)
The Israelites were bound by strict Laws concerning every aspect of their life. And in addition to the various oppressors, including the Romans, they were further burdened by their own religious leaders (Pharisees) Luke 11.46 The people were weary of trying to please God, under the law. Jesus compassionately calls out to such people to come to him and find rest for their souls. He urges them to come and exchange their yoke for his light one. Matt 11.28-30 The yoke is a symbol of partnership – whether in marriage or in business. 2 Cor 6.14 Jesus invites us to a partnership with Him where He supplies the capital and we get the profit!
Lend not your shoulder to any yokes.
My Yoke is Easy
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
A Peek into the Garden
When God placed Adam and Eve in the Eden Garden, He told them not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. In other words, God did not intend man to live by a rule book of ‘good and evil’, avoiding all that was evil and doing all that was good. God intended man to live by the Tree of Life – the Holy Spirit who would tell them what was pleasing to God and what was not. To live by the knowledge of good and evil is to live by the law. This would bring us into bondage.
It was never God’s intention that man should live by rule and regulations. The law was not given to man to lead man to life, but rather to show man’s impotency and to test his honesty. Therefore, after Jesus came, the Law was set aside and a new covenant was ushered in. it is written, “you …. died to the law through the body of Christ, that you might belong to him who was raised from the dead, ……………..and have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code. Romans 7.4-6 (ref Ezekiel 36:25-27, Romans 2:28-29)
For further reading and study: Romans 7-8, and Galatians 3-5
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Two Believers Pray But....
Why is it that two believers can pray about the same issue and come away with completely different responses and attitudes? This has to do with :
1. Our relationship with God. The Father speaks differently to the unsaved than He does to His Children. God also tailors His message to individual believers on the basis of their spiritual maturity and unique situations.
2. Our understanding of who God is. If you see God as a loving Father, you will hear His encouraging voice and accept His loving discipline. But if you see Him as a harsh, demanding God far removed from your life, then you may feel as though He expects more than you can deliver.
3. Our Attitude toward God. If we come to the Lord with a proud, rebellious nature, we will naturally not be inclined to hear His voice of authority. However, if we come with a submissive nature, we will most likely hear--and joyfully receive--His Word.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I'll fill your cup to overflowing for I love you
"My cup overflows". In the Bible, an overflowing cup, is a symbol for total satisfaction. It means, "I've got everything I need.." In the Middle East, it's mostly desert. When some one gives you a cup that is overflowing, it means they're wasting something -- water or wine. You don't waste water or wine in the desert unless you've got more than you need.
Overflow with what?
- With Hope
Romans 15:13 "God will help you overflow with hope in him through the Holy Spirit's power within you."
You never run out of hope because you know He's never going to let you down. - With Love
"May the Lord make your love to grow and overflow." I Thess. 3:12 - With Joy
"Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and your cup of joy will overflow." John 16:24
Have you ever wondered when you go to somebody's house how long you're supposed to stay and when you're supposed to leave? Or have you had someone come to your house and you didn't know how to tell them to "get lost". There is a custom in the Middle East that everyone knew that had to do with filling the cup. If you came to somebody's house, even if you were a total stranger (in the desert strangers take care of strangers), the first thing you do is offer them a cup of water or wine ... They drink the cup and you refill it. They drink that cup and you refill it. ... As long as the cup kept being refilled it meant you were welcome to stay. If you came to somebody's house and after several refills, they left the cup empty, it meant your time was up -- it was time to leave. If the host liked the person and wanted him to stay a long time, they would take the cup and fill it -- not only to the rim but they would let it overflow. You don't waste water or wine in the desert. But when an overflowing cup was shown it was a symbol that you can stay as long as you want. It meant you are special.
When God says to you, "I'm going to fill your cup to overflowing" it means you matter to God and you're special to Him. If you're hurting because somebody has hurt you badly, Jesus invites you to a banquet. He says "I'll prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies. I'll anoint your head with oil. Your cup will overflow." He will settle the score, sooth your wounds, satisfy every one of your needs. It's a banquet of wholeness, help, and salvation.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Love is the fulfilment of the law
What's Wrong with the Law?
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Be wise, Be Patient.
A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense. Proverbs 19:11
Understanding the reason for your anger will give you greater patience and, perhaps, even the ability to overlook an offense.
So next time you become angry, step back for a few minutes and ask yourself three questions to help you understand why you are angry:
- Why am I angry?
- What do I really want?
- How can I get it?
Be wise, be patient.