Father - it is the most beautiful name in all universe. Sure satan has done his best to twist and pervert this positional name. But it continues to be the foremost name that evokes the most passionate response in the soul of a human being. Those unfortunates who associate the name with neglect or abuse feel a void so deep that nothing, not even the love of Jesus seems to fill it to the full. But there is hope, for Jesus came to reveal God as the Father (Jn 1.18 - No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father’s side, has made Him known.)
Jesus revealed the Name of God as Father (Jn 17.6, 26). In this Name and all that it stood for, all disciples of Jesus were to find security (Jn 17.11,12). The Holy Spirit continues to reveal the Father to all who would follow Jesus and seek to know the Father.
There is no love like the Love of God as Father that can keep you going. Secure in His fatherly love we get the courage to face the world and all that it can throw at you. However, this is revelation knowledge that must quicken within each individual.
I spent years as a child of God who knew not her Father! I loved Jesus, and depended on the Holy Spirit for everything I could think of. Nevertheless, the Father continued to be a veiled figure. Occasional glimpses tantalized but I continued complacently with my love affair with Jesus. People who loved and spoke of the Father with an intense passion crossed my path far too often to be ignored. Finally one day it penetrated my hard coconut that Jesus and the Holy Spirit were in the business of revealing the Father to the children. Mal 4.6 As the desire to know the Father and His love began to grow within me He began to reveal Himself to me slowly but persistently. And I started to grasp the meaning of the verse that says that God the Father so loved the world (me) that he gave his one and only Son…. so that I may have eternal life(be with Him forever) Jn 3.16
Words are inadequate to describe the manner of Love the Father has for me. He patiently teaches me of the depth and width of His Love. He is gentle as only a Father can be.
Be not content with the love of Jesus and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Go for the full measure. Get to know your Father. Ask and He shall repond. Seek, He desires to be found. Knock and He will open the floodgates of Love upon you, and you will be swept away.
Beloved, the Father beckons you.
Christmas and the Origin of Hanukkah
3 months ago
1 comment:
This is so true! I think I'm guilty of the same.. the Father is still a shadowy figure to me. After all, Jesus came down to help us understand and the Holy Spirit is here helping us understand...THE FATHER! So let's all aim for the full measure
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