The Lord expects us to trust in Him and His Word, for His Word is our sustenance. Your salary, income or profit from your in business was never intended to sustain you; rather, it’s to provide you with seed for sowing. How do I know? Well, let see what the scripture has to say. In the book of Genesis we read that God created and placed Adam in a world where he lacked nothing. Then God gave Adam the responsibility to tend and keep the Garden (Gen 2.15) not so Adam would have a job as a means of livelihood, but to make him responsible. That is why, our jobs are not our source, it is an avenue for learning responsibility, discipline and contribution.
Besides giving our tithes and offering, we should consciously sow quality seeds from the money God blesses us with. This will move us into higher realms of financial freedom. The extent of your financial freedom or harvest will depend on the quality of seed sown. We must be like the farmer who keeps the best seeds for sowing.
Whenever, you receive money, always remember to put some aside as seed offering to the Lord. And then mix faith with your seed and sow it with great expectation. Then the Lord will cause all grace to abound towards you, so that you will always have everything you need and more so that there will be enough for your needs, and plenty left over to give joyfully to others. 2 Cor 9.8
Christmas and the Origin of Hanukkah
3 months ago
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