In John 2.5 we see Mary, mother of Jesus, saying to some servants to, “do whatever He (Jesus) tells you”. The key to the miracle in the wedding of Cana was in doing whatever Jesus commanded, no matter how foolish or inappropriate it sounded.
They were short of wine. This would be a major loss of face in this culture.
In verse 6 we read, “Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing”. The stone water jars were nearby, ie, they were available.
The servants obeyed Jesus’ command to fill the jars with water. (Verse 7) They again obeyed Him when he asked them to draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet. (Verse 8)
Jesus used the obedient, lowly servants to perform his first recorded miracle. The vessels used for performing the miracle were insignificant stone water jars used for ceremonial washing of dirty feet.
Conclusion: You may be insignificant but are you available? You may be asked to do 'foolish, insignificant stuff' but are you willing to obey Jesus? No matter what you are, if you are available and willingly obedient, then God has use of you.
We read in the Gospel of Luke how Jesus had need of Peter’s boat. Carpenter Jesus used Peter’s fishing boat to preach the Word of God and later asked fisherman Peter to put out into the deep sea to fish. Here also we see how Peter’s availability and obedience blessed him in more ways than one. Peter’s disappointing fishing business prospered (material blessing) and his dead spirit was awakened (spiritual blessing).
The servants in the first miracle never questioned Jesus words, though it may have sounded inappropriate. Jesus’ command to put out to the deep also may have sounded foolish or inappropriate to Peter. Yet we see obedience to Jesus words in both these incidents and the resultant blessings.
Christmas and the Origin of Hanukkah
3 months ago
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