During OT time worshipers of the One True God Jehovah, could expect only to be cleansed and purified of their many sins through a number of ritualistic procedures. Most of them looked forward to an earthly Kingdom and rule.
OT Israelites’ relationship with God was limited to Temple worship and legalistic obedience. Most of them did not aspire for a personal relationship with God. In fact the majority feared the Lord so much they did not want to come face to face with God nor hear from him personally. They depended on Priests and Prophets in their dealings with God.
Mankind was God’s expression of His divine love. He desired to have an intimate relationship with man but sin corrupted this relationship. Since then man has been running away from His God and God has been reaching out to man with His divine love, in the person of Jesus.
During His earthly days, Jesus always spoke of God in terms of a relationship. God was His Father and Jesus was God’s Son. Jesus taught His disciples to relate to God as their Father too. He assured them that He would return soon and take them to God the Father.
So every disciple of Jesus eagerly awaits His return. Apostolic teaching teaches us that every believer is a part of the Body of Christ, and appointed to be the Bride of Christ. As the Bride of Christ we eagerly look forward to the coming of our Groom and our wedding.
NT believers look forward not to an earthly Kingdom but to a heavenly Kingdom. The King of this Kingdom is their Bridegroom and so they also look forward to a wedding.
So it would seem apt that Jesus would start His public ministry with a miracle that changed Purification Water into Wedding Wine symbolizing a NT believer’s destiny.
Christmas and the Origin of Hanukkah
3 months ago
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