Did you know that you are a very, very important person in the Heavenly Kingdom of God and that you belong to your Father God? Well, you are.
Father God is very jealous of you and has zero tolerance for those who insult and slight you. But you know what, just like Jesus - the beloved Son of God the Father - you too can volunteer to suffer and work for the Kingdom. Your offer will be gladly accepted. You will face insults and slights and even persecution at the hands of others (both within and without the kingdom!), but you will not be left to languish. God will send His ministring angels to minister to you, often in the form of other poeple.
If now you are in the midst of a painful situation because of Jesus and His Gospel, remember you are a soldier in the army of God. You may be bruised, but the salve of God's Love that heals all wounds will come searching for you in your darkest hour. Like Elijah you too will be strengthened to run for long periods. (1 Kg 19.5-8) Like Jesus was kissed, washed and anointed publicly when a Pharisee conviniently omitted to do any of this for his guest (Luke 7) , you too will be greeted with a love kiss, your hurting feet will be washed in soothing water and anointed all over by the Holy Spirit. You are precious in God's sight, for He has ransomed you with the most precious stone in Heaven - Jesus Himself.
Christmas and the Origin of Hanukkah
3 months ago
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