Chosen in His Service
Monday, March 30, 2009
Everyday Provision
Friday, March 27, 2009
Seven Friends Of an Unclean Spirit
Matthew 12:43-45 43 "Now when the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and does not find it.
44"Then it says, 'I will return to my house from which I came'; and when it comes, it finds it unoccupied, swept, and put in order.
45"Then it goes and takes along with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. That is the way it will also be with this evil generation." (NASB)
- An unclean spirit like unforgiveness can bring seven more wicked spirits wicked than itself – resentment, ill-will, grudge, malice, retaliation, bitterness, and hatred. So we better forgive everyone everything every time, if we do not want our condition to be worse than before.
- It is high priority that an unclean spirit like unforgiveness does not find its previous home empty, but occupied and ruled by the Holy Spirit.
- Jesus warns us ‘that is the way it will also be with this evil generation’. So do not be surprised if you see this happening often but we have been forewarned. Let us be wise, and encourage others to be too.
Tongues? That’s not for me
Jesus came for sinners : Mar 2:17 - When Jesus heard [it], he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
Jesus said in Luke 11.13, “ If you …. know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!" In the first century, everyone who sought Jesus was given the Holy Spirit as promised. For example Cornelius and his household (Acts 10.44-46) “While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message. The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles. For they heard them speaking in tongues and praising God”
Jesus is the same always, He never changes his Word. If He gave the Holy Spirit to everyone who believed in Him in the first century, then He will do the same today.
The outward sign of Holy Spirit Baptism has always been tongues. It is thru the speaking of tongues that the manifold gift of the Holy Spirit is released into our lives. This makes it essential that you are baptized in the Holy Spirit and pray in tongues.
It is to emphasize this need to shamelessly ask for the Holy Spirit Baptism, that Jesus narrated the parable of the ‘friend at midnight’ who also makes his demands known boldly. (Luke 11.1-13)
The Banquet of Salvation
For the Jews, the word 'Banquet' is a symbol of Salvation. However they believed that Salvation was their exclusive birthright. To read more click here
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Livin' in Christ!!: The God I serve is ALL POWERFUL!!
Livin' in Christ!!: The God I serve is ALL POWERFUL!!
Was 'The Flood' Necessary?
Do you think God was acting as a autocrat when He wiped off the human race except for the eight? What exactly was the reasoning behind it? Is it still a mystery?
Would you like to go 'behind the scenes' and understand the full implication of that universal fllod recorded in the book of Genesis. Click here to read more.
Monday, March 23, 2009
At Your Ropes End
You are a V V I P
Father God is very jealous of you and has zero tolerance for those who insult and slight you. But you know what, just like Jesus - the beloved Son of God the Father - you too can volunteer to suffer and work for the Kingdom. Your offer will be gladly accepted. You will face insults and slights and even persecution at the hands of others (both within and without the kingdom!), but you will not be left to languish. God will send His ministring angels to minister to you, often in the form of other poeple.
If now you are in the midst of a painful situation because of Jesus and His Gospel, remember you are a soldier in the army of God. You may be bruised, but the salve of God's Love that heals all wounds will come searching for you in your darkest hour. Like Elijah you too will be strengthened to run for long periods. (1 Kg 19.5-8) Like Jesus was kissed, washed and anointed publicly when a Pharisee conviniently omitted to do any of this for his guest (Luke 7) , you too will be greeted with a love kiss, your hurting feet will be washed in soothing water and anointed all over by the Holy Spirit. You are precious in God's sight, for He has ransomed you with the most precious stone in Heaven - Jesus Himself.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Eye Of A Needle
Answer: This verse has been misunderstood by many people throughout history. Many even falsely believe that Money Is The Root Of All Evil, but, 1 Timothy 6:10 clearly tells us that “the Love Of Money Is A Root Of All Kinds Of Evil, ……….”. Also Apostle John has written, “Beloved, I Pray That You May Prosper In All Things (All things -certainly includes financial prosperity) And Be In Good Health, Just As Your Soul Prospers. ( 3 JOHN 2 )
So we can safely conclude that Jesus was referring to a person who loved their money more than they loved their Heavenly Father.
The other thing people often do not understand is the "Eye of the Needle." In Jesus' time villages were surrounded by a wall for protection from their enemies. So each village had a main gate that was open only in the daytime, and a small side gate for night entry. This small gate was called the "needle," and when open it was not very high.
Now those with stolen goods would try to sneak them into town at night through this small side gate. One problem they had was a camel could not walk through this smallgate with a full load on its back, so the load often had to be removed. Then the poor camel would still have to walk on its knees to enter through the gate. Not an easy task to say the least, especially for the poor camel!
Go away from me, Lord
When Peter's nets are filled with fish--a strange awareness comes over him. Suddenly Peter crys out, 'Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!'
Click here to read what made know-it-all Peter crumple up like this.
The hand that extends is a pierced one
You’ve probably seen the classic portrait of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, kneeling beside a big rock clad in an elegant white robe, hands peacefully folded in prayer. A look of serenity seem to emanate from his face while a spotlight from heaven illuminates his golden-brown hair.
Now, I’m no artist, but I can tell you one thing. The artist who painted that picture didn’t use the gospel of Mark as a pattern. When Mark wrote about that painful night, he used phrases like these: “Horror and dismay came over him.” “My heart is ready to break with grief.” “He went a little forward and threw himself on the ground.”
Does this description fit the above picture of a serene Jesus resting in the palm of God? Hardly. Mark used stark images to paint the scene in the garden and we see an agonizing, straining, and struggling Jesus. We see a “man of sorrows.” (Isaiah 53:3) We see a man struggling with fear, wrestling with commitments, and yearning for relief.
The writer of Hebrews would later pen, “During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death.” (Hebrews 5:7)
My, what a portrait! Jesus in pain. Jesus is fearful. Jesus cloaked in humanity. We see Jesus with a broken heart.
Suffering from a broken heart? You might do well to remember Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. The next time you think that no one understands, reread the fourteenth chapter of Mark. When self-pity convinces you that no one cares, pay a visit to Gethsemane. Next time you wonder if God really perceives the pain that that seem to envelop all humanity, listen to him pleading among the trees.
And the next time you are called to suffer, watch closely. It could be that the hand that extends itself to lead you out of the pain is a pierced one.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Its your responsibility
Acts 16.31 They replied, “ Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved – you and your household.”
It does not please God to allow anyone to perish. God desires everyone to be saved. However there are conditions for salvation. In the OT God required a righteousness based on covenants He instituted. God made a covenantal promise to Abraham. As Abraham’s relative, Lot had a right to God’s protection. The scripture also tells us that Lot was a righteous man and God will never punish the righteous alongside the unrighteous. So God send His angels to Lot’s home to rescue him and his household from the coming Judgment.
In Genesis 19 we see God asking Lot, “Do you have anyone else here - sons-in-law, sons daughters, or anyone else in the city who belongs to you?” Here God is giving Lot a chance to gather anyone who is a part of his household to escape the coming wrath. An important point here is that the extend of Lot’s household was not determined by God but by Lot.
Coming to the NT we see in Acts 16.31 it is written, “ Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved – you and your household.” If you satisfy the condition of believing in the Lord, then you and your household (determined by you alone) can and will be saved. (if you have any doubt, re-read the portion in your Bible)
It is true God has only Children, there are no grandchildren in the kingdom of Heaven. Every individual is expected to have a personal relationship with the Lord. But one person’s obedience can lead to the deliverance of many others (household can be physical and spiritual too). Set no boundaries to your physical and spiritual household. Let there be place in your ark for all whom God directs to you.
The time for the final judgment is fast approaching and take heed to what the Spirit of God is telling us all through the Scriptures, “Do you have anyone else here - sons-in-law, sons or daughters, or anyone else in the city who belongs to you? Get them out of here, because we are going to destroy this place. The outcry to the Lord against its people is so great that he has send us to destroy it.”
The outcry – the prayers and petitions - of the people of God crying out to be delivered from this evil world is getting too persistent in the ears of the Lord and He is coming soon to gather His Bride and judge the nations. So hurry, gather everyone that belongs to you in the city and be ready to leave this world. Its your responsibility. Be sure you have no misgiving about leaving this place.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Encourage One Another In the Lord
When you know that someone believes in you, it brings out your best. Jesus did this with the Apostle Peter. "Petros," Peter's name, meant pebble. But Jesus said, "Pebble, you're going to be a rock. I'm giving you a new name." When Jesus said that to Peter, the apostle was anything but a rock. He was Mr. Impulsive, Mr. Foot-in-Mouth. But Jesus didn't tell him what he was—he told him what he could be. He gave Peter confidence to live up to his potential.
We all need encouragement in our lives. So let us also be eager to give encouragement to those God has placed around us.
Monday, March 09, 2009
God's Calling and Selection
1 Cor 1.26 -29 speaks of God calling and selecting the lowly, the weak, and the foolish to accomplish His work.
When He makes His calling, God only asks for one ability- availability.
Are we available? If we are, it matters not that we are not wise by human standards, nor influential. It matters not the least that we are considered foolish, or weak by others. In God's eyes, man's foolishness and weakness is the perfect qualification to be appointed as God's hands and mouth.(Read 1 cor 1.26-29)
So rejoice, for we can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens us. Halleluiah!
Saturday, March 07, 2009
They're Back! More Church Bulletin Bloopers
Check out the newly updated Church Blooper section on the left panel. Thank God for Church ladies with typewriters, for these sentences actually appeared in Church Bulletins or were announced in Church Services.