Chosen in His Service

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Christ the Bridegroom - a study

Today’s Christians do not understand the concept of Christ the bridegroom as His disciples and first century Christians did. The concept is not a difficult one to identify with. The idea of God's relationship to man as similar to the relationship of husband and wife has been taught extensively in the Old Testament.

Christ, in the parable of the ten virgins (Matthew 25.1-13), likened His relationship to the Church as the bridegroom coming for the bride. In answer to the Pharisees' question, "John's disciples often fast and pray, and so do the disciples of the Pharisees, but yours go on eating and drinking”, Christ refers to Himself as the bridegroom saying, "Can you make the guests of the bridegroom fast while he is with them?" (Luke 5.33-34)

The Betrothal
Traditional Jewish marriage began with the betrothal. The betrothal occurred when the man took the initiative, left his father's home and went to the home of the prospective bride to negotiate the purchase price. This price, the "mohar," had to be paid prior to anything else relating to the marriage. In comparison, Christ left heaven, His Father's house, and came to earth, the home of His bride, to pay the price for a lost humanity. The "mohar" was His life's blood. We are redeemed by His blood. Ephesians 1:7 states, "In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace." We also read in 1 Peter 1:18,19 this, "For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed ….. but with the precious blood of Christ, ..."

Christ did not negotiate with the father of this world, satan, for the purchase price of the believers. That price was determined beforehand by God.

The Jewish groom obtained his bride through the establishment of a marriage covenant. In the same manner, Christ came to the earth to establish a covenant. This covenant, foretold in the Old Testament by the prophet Jeremiah, was established the same night He gave the promise to His disciples by the shedding of His blood on the cross.

In the Jewish ceremony a shared cup of wine served as a symbol of the marriage covenant during the betrothal. Today the communion cup is the symbol of the New Covenant established by Christ to obtain His bride. (also read Matthew 26.29)

When the price had been paid the Jewish bride was considered sanctified, set apart exclusively for her husband. The Church, too, has been declared sanctified, set apart exclusively for Christ. In Ephesians Paul teaches, "Husbands love your wives even as Christ loved the church, and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word." Hebrews 10.10 says, “we are all sanctified through the offering of the body of Christ once for all”.

The Preparation
With the establishment of the marriage covenant and the payment of the "mohar", the groom would return to his father's house. Christ, after paying the price, also departed to His Father's house. Just as the Jewish groom is required to prepare living accommodations for his bride in his father's house, Christ is preparing accommodations for us in His Father's house in heaven. (John 14.2)

The Jewish groom remained separated from his bride for a period of time not exceeding twelve months. Christ's return has been divinely delayed significantly longer and the Church is now living in this period of separation. (2 Peter 3.4-10)

The Jewish bride also busied herself meanwhile with her trousseau and learned about her marital responsibilities. Christ has taken care of this for the Church, for when He comes we will exchange our corruptible for the incorruptible. (1 Corinthians 15:52-53)

The Return for the Bride
After all necessary preparations had been made, the Jewish groom returned for his bride to take her to be with him in their new home. The taking of the bride occurred at night and the groom would make his presence known by a shout. Christ too will return for His bride in like manner. It will undoubtedly be at night for some and day for others as we are told by Paul it will occur in the twinkling of an eye. Christ's presence will be made known by a shout also. In his letter to the Thessalonians Paul tells us, "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel..." (1Thessalonians 4:16)

In the taking of the bride in the Jewish ceremony, the groom was accompanied by a procession of his friends. Christ will also be accompanied by a procession of an angelic escort.

Just as the Jewish bride had no idea when her groom would return for her, the Church today has no idea when Christ will return. 1 Thessalonians 5.2 says, "This day will come as a thief in the night."

Similar to the Jewish bride returning with her husband to his father's house, the Church will return with Christ to heaven. In this way we will inhabit the heavenly dwelling place prepared specifically for us by Christ in heaven.

The Consummation
Shortly after their arrival the bridal pair were escorted to the bridal chamber, referred to as the "huppah". Then they consummated the marriage and thereby completed the marriage covenant. Similarly, when the Church is taken to the Father's house in heaven we enter into spiritual union with Christ thereby consummating the relationship which Christ covenanted with the Church over 2000 years ago.

This spiritual union will be the fulfillment of the promise when Paul says, "For now we see through a glass darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." (1 Corinthians 13.12)

The bride left for her new home veiled and remained so veiled until she was in the the bridal chamber, for it would have been considered improper for her face to have been seen in public.

The Wedding Feast, The Huppah, The Tribulation
In traditional Jewish marriage ceremony the marriage was consummated and the husband made the announcement to the wedding guests. This announcement would signal the beginning of the wedding feast.

Just as the Jewish bride remained hidden in the "huppah" for a period of seven days, so will the Church remain hidden for a period of seven. Both Daniel, in the Old Testament, and Revelation, in the New Testament, give the exact amount of time for this period.

At the close of the wedding feast the groom would proudly escort his bride out of the bridal chamber. She would now be unveiled for all to see. So Christ will bring the Church out of heaven at the end of the Tribulation period in full view of all who are left alive. Paul speaks of this in Colossians 3:3,4, "For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory”.

The analogy between the Jewish marriage customs and the relationship Christ has with the Church is a beautiful one and full of significance to believers and non-believers alike.

To the believer: It shows the believer the sequence of events up to the present time. It gives him hope for the return of Jesus Christ and the personal relationship we will share with Him throughout eternity. It is also significant in what it teaches about our present relationship to the risen Christ. In the absence of her husband it was possible for the Jewish bride to commit adultery. Today it is possible for the believer to commit spiritual adultery. Paul expressed his concern over this issue when He wrote to the Corinthians and said: “For I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy; for I betrothed you to one husband, that to Christ I might present you as a pure virgin. But I am afraid, lest as the Serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds should be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 11:23) [In those days ensuring the chastity of the bride was one of the groom’s best man’s primary duties! Paul here refers to himself to this responsible position of the groom’s (Christ’s) best man.]
James 4.4-5 also speaks of how we commit spiritual adultery through our friendship with the world.

So evaluate your relationship to your Betrothed. What is it He would have you to do in is absence? Is He the center of your life and are you anxiously awaiting His return? Ask yourself if He is controlling your every desire and thought, or if your relationship to the world is of more importance. If you have been unfaithful, do not despair, He will forgive you if you confess your unfaithfulness and ask for His forgiveness. 1 John 1.9 affirms his faithfulness toward us despite our actions.

To the non-believer: Just as the proposal of the Jewish bridegroom could be either accepted or rejected, you too, can either reject or accept the offer Christ makes to you each time you hear the gospel. If you continue to reject Him, you can not become a part of His bride, the Church and you will spend eternity separated from God and Christ.

Christ died on the cross for your sins, and by His shed blood on that cross he paid the price for your sins too. You too can enter into a relationship with Him by admitting your need for a Savior and by accepting Him as that Savior. If you accept Christ's proposal your sins will be forgiven and you will enter into the relationship and be a part of His bride. You will be gathered together with Him when He returns.

Accepting Christ Jesus’ proposal is really quite simple. You simply believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He came to earth and died to pay the price for your sins, that He arose from the dead as proof that His sacrifice on your behalf was acceptable to God. (Romans 10.9-10)

Some must read related posts
  1. The Bride or The Guest (
  2. Make your own wedding gown (
  3. longest engagement (
  4. stickiness in marriage (

Thursday, January 21, 2010

You are no Maggot

For those of you suffering from the ‘worm’ syndrome.

Tragically many are taught at church that they are worms or specks of dust to God and they must grovel on the dirt and beg mercy for after all the Bible says, “humble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up” – James 4.10 Did you really read that verse? Yep! it says, …. “He will lift you up”. How conveniently we overlook parts of the same sentences.

Our God is a God who lifts us up because He thinks you are valuable to Him more than other creations. Do not let the media, family, circle of friends or even the church rob you of your self worth. The ultimate judge is God and He considers you absolutely wonderful.

In Luke 5.8 Peter falls down at Jesus feet and cries out, ‘Go away from me Lord, I am a sinful man.” Peter is in effect saying, ‘I am ugly, dirty and worthless, go away Lord’. We all have this tendency of pushing God away from us when we realize His Holiness and our lack of the same. But God’s response is very interesting and gives us a clear understanding of how to deal with similar attitudes.

We see Jesus answering Peter thus, “from now on you will fish for me”. To all intents and purposes Jesus was telling Peter, ‘Peter, I see in you a man of definite leadership quality. You have a great future. You are no worm. Get up and stand straight. You are going to do great things for God”.

When a woman caught in adultery was brought to Jesus, He never condemned her. Instead He restored her dignity and went out of His way to make her feel valuable! John 8.10-11

An object is worth what you are willing to pay for it. Though He is rich in gold, diamonds, lands and all things most precious, God Almighty did not pay for you with any of His untold riches in heaven or earth. He paid for you with the life of His only Son - Jesus. You who were created in His image and likeness, you who were knitted and formed in your mother’s womb and fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalms 139.13-14) He considers you His most priced possession.

So tell yourself – “God says I am valuable. So I am going to believe Him instead of the world. I am worth every drop of blood that Jesus shed for me.”

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Do not let satan mess with your Mind

When satan invades our mind and thought-life, our perspective of God alters and distorts. Let me prove this to you through some major events recorded in the Bible.

  1. In the Garden of Eden both Adam and Eve enjoyed God’s presence immensely. I think it is reasonable to assume that they had a fairly clear picture of God and His immutable characteristics (Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omniscience). Yet we see that after they sinned (satan messed with their minds) they ran to hide behind a tree! Did they think they could hide themselves from this Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient God? Apparently sin had blinded and distorted their perspective about the very God whom they knew intimately till then.
  2. Judas Iscariot was one of Jesus’ twelve chosen disciples. He spent almost three and a half years nurtured, protected and provided for by Jesus the Rabbi. Yet on that fateful hour while partaking off the last supper with Jesus and His disciples, satan entered Judas (Luke 22.3-4) and he betrayed his master for thirty silver coins. Up to that point, Judas was an accepted religious leader who raised the dead, cast out demons and healed the sick. What changed? Judas lent a receptive ear to satan and his lies which distorted his mind and blinded him to the consequences of his actions.
  3. Why point the finger at Judas alone? Following Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, mighty Peter, John the favorite and few others – seven to be precise- decided to return to their former career – fishing (John 21.2). Remember they were already born-again believers! (John 20.22) Yet following this strange teacher from Nazareth (who allows himself to be killed the most humiliating way known, managed to cheat death finally, and yet refuses to take on the Roman empire and relieve the People from their shameful subordination to the pagan Romans!) had not been as profitable as they had hoped and decided to go their old ways.

Listen to what the Spirit of God has to say about those who backslide. “It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace.” - Hebrews 6.4-6 So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall! - 1 Corinthians 10.12

What made the disciples to backslide? They allowed disillusion, discouragement and disappointment to enter their mind and change their perspective about Jesus. So ‘above all else, guard your heart (Proverbs 4.23) from all deceptions of the evil one and constantly check for any changes in your perspective about your God.

Leave the Water Jar and Hurry

The story of the Samaritan woman (John 4. 1- 42) made a strong statement about the role of woman in the early Christian community which remains relevant even in today’s ultra modern society. Click here to read more

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Jews - Not to be reckoned among the nations

The legacy of Jews was a to be a uniquely spiritual one.

In a world of idolatry including human sacrifices, Jews believed in and worshipped one God, and this God was invisible. They subscribed to the idea of circumcision, yet refused to offer human sacrifice.

God said of the Jews, “The people shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations.” Num. 23:9.

The Jew himself has sought to make void this prophecy.

By nature the Jew, was no different than the Gentiles that surrounded him. And, he instinctively wanted to be like them. He did not want to dwell alone, to be a people apart, to not be numbered among the people. So he has rebelled time and time again.

In the days of Samuel, they asked for a king to be over them. This, was not bad in itself, but they showed what was in their heart when they said, “That we also may be like all the nations.” - I Sam. 8:19-20.

In the days of Ezekiel also, they said, “We will be as the heathen, as the families of the countries.” - Ezek. 20:32

So, to cure them of this trait and tendency God sent them repeatedly into captivity.

Remember I said earlier on that the Jews have a uniquely spiritual legacy? It was their God-ordained mission to bring the Messiah to the world, and give Him to humanity! In order to accomplish this, centuries before His coming, strict laws of segregation were imposed upon Israel that separated him from his neighbors, and caused him to dwell in isolation. Many times these laws, and the reason for them, were not understood even by the Jews themselves, and this continued to cause friction.

Their laws of marriage were strict. Marriage was permitted only among their closed community. This was necessary to preserve the blood lines of the coming Messiah. The Messiah's earthly parents - Joseph and Mary - were two direct descendants of the house of David. Thus the Messiah wsa born of the tribe of Judah, of the seed of Abraham. The lineage could be traced in an unbroken line all the way back to Abraham – Matthew, chapter one and all the way to Seth Son of Adam, Son of Godm - Luke, chapter 3

Touch of the Master's Hand

"Twas battered and scarred, and the auctioneer
thought it scarcely worth his while
To waste much time on the old violin,
But held it up with a smile.
"What am I bidden, good folks," he cried,
"Who'll start the bidding for me?"
"A dollar, a dollar," then, two!
Only two?"Two dollars, and who'll make it three?"
Three dollars, once; three dollars, twice;
Going for three . . ." But no,
From the room, far back, a grey-haired man
Came forward and picked up the bow;
Then, wiping the dust from the old violin,
And tightening the loose strings,
He played a melody pure and sweet
As a caroling angel sings.
The music ceased, and the auctioneer,
With a voice that was quiet and low,
Said: "What am I bid for the old violin?"
And he held it up with the bow."
A thousand dollars, and who'll make it two?"
Two thousand! And who'll make it three?"
Three thousand, once; three thousand, twice;
And going and gone."said he.
The people cheered, but some of them cried,
"We do not quite understand
What changed its worth?"
Swift came the reply:"
The touch of a master's hand."
And many a man with life out of tune,
And battered and scarred with sin,
Is auctioned cheap to the thoughtless crowd,
Much like the old violin.
A 'mess of potage,' a glass of wine;
A game - and he travels on.
He is 'going' once, and 'going' twice,
He's 'going' and almost 'gone'.
But the Master comes and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that's wrought
By the touch of the Master's Hand.
By Myra B. Welch

On Guard!

The society as a whole is in the grip of what is popularly known as New Age Mysticism. We as Christian parents need to be aware of this trend and protect ourselves and our God-given children from this renewed fascination with Pantheism, New Age Mysticism etc.

Pantheism is a composite word derived from two Greek words ‘Pan’ (All) and ‘Theos’ (God) which presents the view that ‘all is God and God is in all’. In essence, Pantheism promotes worship, or in the least admiration, of all that life is - inclusive of nature, the universe, the laws that govern the galaxies, etc

This fascination with spiritualizing created things is nothing new (Romans 1:24-25) and is once again brought to the forefront with the latest blockbuster "Avatar". It is of great importance that we appreciate society's captivation with the New Age Mysticism and be on guard.

Romans 1:24-25 -Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonouring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.”

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Humanity can't get Jesus out of their minds!

It is intriguing that humanity cannot get Jesus out of their minds and a testimony to this is the vast array of religions that seem to include Him regardless of the way they taint His true identity.

For example,
  • Buddhists view Him as a great teacher/master,
  • Hindus view Him as a guru,
  • Muslims view Him as the sinless prophet and returning messiah - yet they all denounce His true identity as God incarnate.

In fact all religions & cults seem to do one or more of the following…

  1. Strip the deity of Christ
  2. Bring God down to our level
  3. Lift us up to God’s level
  4. Focus on self and not God
  5. Negate God’s existence altogether
  6. Dismiss our sinful nature

This factual and convenient atrocity that lets people define Jesus as they wish is captured by the wonderful Christian Theologian C.S. Lewis in the folling quote:

“I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: 'I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept His claim to be God.' That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic - on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg - or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.” - C.S. Lewis

For me Jesus is "the Son of God". Amen!