For those of you suffering from the ‘worm’ syndrome.
Tragically many are taught at church that they are worms or specks of dust to God and they must grovel on the dirt and beg mercy for after all the Bible says, “humble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up” – James 4.10 Did you really read that verse? Yep! it says, …. “He will lift you up”. How conveniently we overlook parts of the same sentences.
Our God is a God who lifts us up because He thinks you are valuable to Him more than other creations. Do not let the media, family, circle of friends or even the church rob you of your self worth. The ultimate judge is God and He considers you absolutely wonderful.
In Luke 5.8 Peter falls down at Jesus feet and cries out, ‘Go away from me Lord, I am a sinful man.” Peter is in effect saying, ‘I am ugly, dirty and worthless, go away Lord’. We all have this tendency of pushing God away from us when we realize His Holiness and our lack of the same. But God’s response is very interesting and gives us a clear understanding of how to deal with similar attitudes.
We see Jesus answering Peter thus, “from now on you will fish for me”. To all intents and purposes Jesus was telling Peter, ‘Peter, I see in you a man of definite leadership quality. You have a great future. You are no worm. Get up and stand straight. You are going to do great things for God”.
When a woman caught in adultery was brought to Jesus, He never condemned her. Instead He restored her dignity and went out of His way to make her feel valuable! John 8.10-11
An object is worth what you are willing to pay for it. Though He is rich in gold, diamonds, lands and all things most precious, God Almighty did not pay for you with any of His untold riches in heaven or earth. He paid for you with the life of His only Son - Jesus. You who were created in His image and likeness, you who were knitted and formed in your mother’s womb and fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalms 139.13-14) He considers you His most priced possession.
So tell yourself – “God says I am valuable. So I am going to believe Him instead of the world. I am worth every drop of blood that Jesus shed for me.”
Christmas and the Origin of Hanukkah
3 months ago
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