Chosen in His Service

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Sexual addiction

Must reads:

  1. Sexual Addiction: Ministry and Misdiagnosis
    Meg Wilson
    Author, Hope After Betrayel
    Melanie, an attractive brunette, sat across from me looking down at the soggy remains of a tissue in her hand. She revealed the recent counsel she and her husband received from their pastor the week prior. He had listened to both sides, looked in her eyes, and said, "If you were more available sexually for your husband, this would reduce his need to go elsewhere for gratification." Shocked and broken, Melanie came to me for clarification.
  2. Overcoming Sexual Addiction in Marriage by Dr. Barry Leventhal reminds us that, “First, all addictions, and sexual addictions in particular, are a judgment from God.”
    What can we do to prevent sexual addictions from invading our lives and wiping us out? Or, if we have been infected with the disease, how can we find the healing and deliverance from this sexual onslaught? To read more click here
  3. In 2 Timothy 2:20-22 the Apostle Paul tells us there are two kinds of vessels. There is a vessel that is pure, and there is a vessel that is impure. There are two kinds of lives: a life that is pure, and a life that is impure. Here is my question to you today: What kind of life do you have? Is your life full of the debris, garbage, and stench of impurity...of sexual addiction? Or is it sexually pure? Read here what Ed Young has to say about Overcoming Sexual Addiction

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