How can we prove that Jesus/Yeshua is the Messiah/Meschiach of the Old Testament?
Jesus himself used the OT Messiah prophesies to prove from the Scriptures that He is the Christ.
(Luke 24:27). “And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, [Jesus] expounded
unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning Himself” The Bible also says that Apollos showed “from the Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ” (Acts 18:28 NKJV).
Yes! Old Testament predictions of the coming Messiah are so specific and so clearly fulfilled by Jesus of Nazareth that both Jesus and the apostles successfully used these prophecies to prove He was, indeed, the Messiah. The Old Testament holds more than 300 of these prophecies. Here are just 12 of them:
Prophecy About the Messiah
Old Testament Verse New Testament Fulfillment
1 Born In Bethlehem Micah 5:2 Matthew 2:1
2 Born of a virgin Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 1:18–23
3 Of David’s lineage Jeremiah 23:5 Revelation 22:16
4 Attempted murder by Herod Jeremiah 31:15 Matthew 2:16–18
5 Betrayal by a friend Psalm 41:9 John 13:18, 19, 26
6 Sold for 30 silver coins Zechariah 11:12 Matthew 26:14–16
7 Pierced Zechariah 12:10 John 19:16–18, 37
8 Lots cast for His clothes Psalm 22:18 Matthew 27:35
9 No bones broken Psalm 34:20; Exodus 12:46 John 19:31–36
10 Buried in a rich man’s tomb Isaiah 53:9 Matthew 27:57–60
10 Time of His death Exodus 12:6 Matthew 27:45–50
12 Raised the third day Hosea 6:2 Acts 10:38–40
Christmas and the Origin of Hanukkah
3 months ago
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