Greeting in the name of the Lord who said, “Nothing is impossible for God”.
Gen 39:21 - But while Joseph was there in the prison, the Lord was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden.
Are you in any kind of prison today? Are you going through any experience that is similar to a prison experience? Are you bound in any area of your life? Is there sickness, strife, debt, poverty, loneliness, lack of joy in your life?
Many married women feel as though they are in a prison. A prison where the prisons bars are made of lack of love, appreciation, respect etc. You live with your husband and children yet you are always alone. You are emotionally drained with no support. Every believer knows that marriage is forever, till death. Life in this loveless, emotionally draining relationship seems never ending. A day seems like a year. You give and give, but you get nothing in return. This scenario plays out true even among believer couples. Is there no solution to this?
The solution is to go to the root of the problem. When we turn to Gen 3:16b we get a glimpse of this. Meting out the punishment for disobedience God said to the first woman Eve that her desire will be for her husband and he will rule over her. This was not God’s original and perfect plan for womenkind but was the result of SIN.
As a result of SIN, instead of seeking to be fulfilled by God who created her in His image (Gen 1:26,27) women have sought to fulfill herself through the man in her life. Human kind was created to be fulfilled through perfect fellowship with God. Woman was uniquely crafted to be helpmeet to her husband. Instead, sin corrupted this perfect order and women are currently globally struggling within prison walls or breaking out of what they conceive as prison walls.
However, there is good news! God has made provision for every situation in our lives. The Word of God says that whom the Son sets free is free indeed (Jn 8:34-36). Jesus Christ came to set captives free (Lk 4:18). As we set our minds on things above (Col 3:1,2) and renew our minds daily on the Word of God (Rom 12.2) and as we set our mind on all that is excellent and pure, the peace of God will dwell in us and we will no longer feel the constraints of the prison bars. Just as Joseph, God will be our constant companion. (Mt 28:20b) He will be kind to us and cause the prison warden (whoever or whatever the situation is) to show favor towards us!
When we were born-again, our spirit became instantly born-again. However, our soul is the same and needs to be fed constantly on the Word of God in order to be born-again! As our minds are renewed daily, and we train ourselves to focus on things that are excellent, our ungodly ties fall off and we are set free, free of prison bars.
Slowly but surely poverty, sickness, debt, strife, loneliness, lack of joy all loose their vicious hold over you and you will begin to bask in favor of the Lord. For example, wives will notice that their love for their husbands become balanced and their desire is for fellowship with God. This sets their husbands too free to love them the way they were meant to be loved.
May our Lord show us His kindness and grant us favor as we learn to be obedient to His Word.
Christmas and the Origin of Hanukkah
3 months ago
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