Chosen in His Service
Monday, June 29, 2009
Wait for the Cloud
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Not Guilty!
Daily Bread Panic
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Many in Christendom too adhere to this wrong belief system. They say that John the Baptist claimed to be Elijah reincarnated, and that being ‘born again’ refers to reincarnation.
Luke 1.17 says that the Baptist came ‘in the spirit and power of Elijah’. In the Bible the word spirit has a variety of meanings. It does not always refer to the soul of a human or a demon spirit. In this context the word spirit signifies character. So we can understand Luke 1.17 to mean that John the Baptist came in a character or a personality that was similar to Elijah. In John 1.21, the Baptist himself categorically denied being Elijah.
The born-again experience has nothing to do with reincarnation. Jesus flatly denied that people can be born a second time in a womb (Jn 3. 3-8). The born-again experience is a spiritual regeneration not a physical experience.
The Bible teaches resurrection, not reincarnation. Death is real and we die physically once. After death we are judged and sentenced to either heaven or hell for all eternity. (Heb 9.27; Jn 5.28-29; 1 Cor 15.20-26, Rev 20:4-6, 11-15)
Reincarnation is incompatible with Christianity. Reincarnation knows nothing of divine forgiveness because it presupposes the law of karma. Karma means getting what we deserve. According to karma, a murderer, even if he repents, will have to suffer being murdered in his next life. If one follows this logic, why should anyone help a drowning child or a blind beggar? Aren’t they suffering for their misdeeds in their previous life? If we help them, are we not interfering with their karma?
Instead of alleviating the problem of sin, reincarnation perpetuates it. There is no final forgiveness or final judgment, only endless recycling of karma.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Ungodly Belief Systems
Our mind is a thought factory working 24/7 producing thought patterns or ideas. These lead to the building of our - belief systems and value systems.
Both our belief systems and value systems determines our World view. Our world view determines the manner in which we value others and God’s entire creation.
Our belief systems affect our entire life. Pro 23.7 - as a man thinks so is he…
Our belief systems can be compared to the software of a computer. Our body is the hardware and our belief system is the software fed into it. For eg. A poor boy grows up, receives good education. The young man decides to no longer honor his poor and illiterate parents. This change in him is due to his wrong belief systems.
How does a belief system develop within us?
A number of factors contribute to developing our belief system
- The womb ( the psyche of a baby begins developing in the womb)
- Upbringing
- Parents mixed belief systems influence the child
- Siblings contribute their bit
- Experts like teachers and other authority figures impart their belief systems
- Friends
- Our own experiences
Our core foundational belief systems are imparted during the period between conception and first 7 yrs. This is why the bible says to train up the child in the ways it should go. - Generational belief systems
- Beliefs handed down the families
- Our religion
- Our culture, all these leave their mark on a person’s belief system
2 cor 10.4-6 tells us that we have a divine power to demolish mental strongholds. Strongholds are built in our minds. Wrong belief systems become a stronghold within our mind. When we have strongholds in our minds, we allow demons to hide among them.
Wrong Belief Systems
a. About God and spiritual matters
b. About life
c. About ourselves
· Pantheistic God- God is everywhere and in everything both living and non-living.
They believe in an impersonal God, a super power, but,
John 17.3 reminds us that God desires to be known personally by you and me.
· God is nature itself: Another wrong view is ‘God is the nature itself’, or ‘I am God, you too are one’.
· Cruel God: Even some believers believe that their God is a cruel God. Bible tells us that God is a merciful God. Every time something bad happens people say God is punishing them, but it is not always so. We live in an imperfect world, so believers and non-believers alike, face trouble and pain.
· Loud prayers: People quote Jesus saying not to pray loudly in public squares in support this. Jesus was and still is against praying to impress others. When we pray we pray to God. With that in mind it matters not how loudly or softly we pray. In heaven the angles constantly worship God in a loud voice. Surely God is not deaf, it is the culture of Heaven, so if we are citizens from above we too may worship God likewise. Its good practice, for afterwards! And no, God will not be irritated; neither will he want us to give him some peace of mind. He has all the peace of mind he desires within Himself! It is his desire that we should always stay connected to him thru our prayers.
· God is so Holy, he cannot be directly approached: Jesus said I am the way. Why search for other ways? Go to God, draw near to God thru Jesus. We need no other mediator between God and us, except Jesus.
· No more healing miracles: Hebrew 13.8 says Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. The same Jesus who healed all who came to him continues to heal today too.
· Soul of man wanders about for 40days after death: this belief may have resulted because Jesus was seen by his disciples 40 days after resurrection. Jesus had a purpose for doing that. Every soul departs to its eternal place (heaven or hell) the moment it separates from the physical body.
· Christian life is sorrow and pain: God desires that we enjoy our life in Christ. Jesus said, “I have come that you may have life and abundant life, itself.”
· There is no actual heaven and hell: Heaven and hell are eternal realities but satan would have you think otherwise. Be not deceived. Jesus spoke of both as definite places.
· Horoscope, palm reading, numerology etc: your horoscope was written after you were born. Ps 139 says that all your days are already recorded in God’s book before you were even born. Place your trust in Him. Do not direct your life according to the lines on your hands.
· Zodiac signs: God created every thing. It is He who determines your life, not the movement of the planets he created.
· Black magic, witchcraft: Do not lead your life under the shadow of fear of black magic, and witchcraft someone may have done against you. No metal piece or cock’s head can control your life. Your life is in the hand of God. He is greater than all the magic in the world.
· Cannot conduct a business in a godly manner: most business people believe that one cannot do business in a godly manner. Bible tells us that we can be sincere and honest in our business dealings. It is possible to do so and yet a profit.
· Omens and signs: do not live life in the manner of the worldly; they see omens and signs hiding behind every bush. There is no omen in a black cat crossing a road. Cats were born to cross roads. What else can the poor thing do? Place your faith on God not on black cats, leaning ladders, or pails of water.
· Some youngsters think that everyone in the opposite gender are bad. God made man, male and female, there is nothing bad about it.
· Unlucky Tuesday and Friday: many believe that these days are not propitious and bad things happen if auspicious things like marriages are conducted on these days. God created everyday and everyday belongs to God. All things that God made are good and auspicious.
· Devil is all powerful: God is powerful than any demon and demonic power in this world or otherwise. There is no reason to fear the devil or overestimate him. There is nothing he can throw at us that we cannot defeat by the power of God within us.
· And many more ..
2 Cor 10. 3-5 speaks of spiritual weapons we have that we can use to fight every wrong thought patterns, strongholds, world views and be conformed to the image of God. The first step is to recognize the wrong ungodly beliefs systems within us and surrender them before God. Then replace such beliefs with right, godly belief systems. Read God’s word regularly, it has tremendous power to break off wrong beliefs and nurture the right ones.
Adapted from Ps Damien’s Sunday sermon